
SemanticModels Logo

  • Teaching computers to do science
  • Papers are useless, all the information is in code
  • Model Augmentation and Synthesis
  • Arbitrary models are complex, but transformations are simpler
  • Project Repo

What is Modeling?

  • Make an initial model $ y \approx \beta x $

  • Make a better model $ y \approx \beta x + \gamma y $

  • Interpret $\beta, \gamma $ to understand the world

Science as nested optimization

Fitting the data is a regression problem:

$$h^* = \min_{h\in {H}} \ell(h(x), y)$$

Institutional process of discovery is

$$\max_{{H}\in \mathcal{M}} expl(h^*)$$ where $expl$ is the explanatory power of a class of models $H$.

  • The explanatory power is some combination of
    • generalization,
    • parsimony,
    • and consistency with the fundamental principles of the field.

Modeling Frameworks

Most frameworks are designed before the models are written


Algebra Matlab/Scipy Mathematica
Learning Stan TensorFlow
Optimization jump CPLEX
Modeling JuliaDiffeq

SemanticModels is a post hoc modeling framework

SIR model of disease

ODE based simulation

A mathematical model of disease spread

\begin{align} \frac{dS}{dt}&=-\frac{\beta IS}{N}\\\\ \frac{dI}{dt}&=\frac{\beta IS}{N}-\gamma I\\\\ \frac{dR}{dt}&=\gamma I \end{align}


Ebola Outbreak

  • (a) Cumulative number of infected individuals as a function of time (day) for the three countries Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone.
  • A Khalequea, and P Senb, "An empirical analysis of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa" 2017

Agent based simulation

In [11]:
abstract type AgentModel end
mutable struct StateModel <: AgentModel
In [13]:
#using AgentModels <- hypothetical ABM library

function main(nsteps)
    n = 20
    a = fill(:S, n)
    ρ = 0.5 + randn(Float64)/4 # chance of recovery
    μ = 0.5 # chance of immunity
    T = Dict(
        :S=>(x...)->rand(Float64) < stateload(x[1], :I) ? :I : :S,
        :I=>(x...)->rand(Float64) < ρ ? :I : :R,
        :R=>(x...)->rand(Float64) < μ ? :R : :S,
    sam = StateModel([:S, :I, :R], a, T, zeros(Float64,3))
    newsam = step!(sam, nsteps)
    counts = describe(newsam)
    return newsam, counts
main (generic function with 1 method)

Statistical Models

using LsqFit
function f(x, β) 
    return β[1] .* x + β[2]

function main()
    X = load_matrix("file_X.csv")
    target = load_vector("file_y.csv")
    a₀ = [1.0]

    fit = curve_fit(f, X, target, a₀)
    return fit


Category Theory

CT is the mathematics of structure preserving maps. Every field of math has a notion of homomorphism where two objects in that category have similar structure

  1. Sets, Groups, Fields, Rings
  2. Graphs
  3. Databases

CT is the study of structure in its most general form.

Graphs as Categories

Each graph is a category

  • $ G = (V,E) $
  • $Ob(G) = V$
  • $Hom_G(v,u) = (v\leadsto u) \in E$

The category of graphs

  • Graph Homomorphism $f: G\to H$ st $(v\leadsto u) \in G \implies (f(v) \leadsto f(u)) \in H$
  • $Ob(Graph)$ is the set of all graphs
  • $Hom_{Graph}(G,H)$ is the set of all graph homomorphisms between $G,H$

Models as Categories

Each model is a Category

An SIR model structure

Category of Models

The family of compartmental models

Semantic Models applies Category Theory

We have built a novel modeling environment that builds and manipulates models in this category theory approach.


  1. We take general code as input
  2. Highly general and extensible framework
  3. Goal: Transformations obey the functor laws.


Show the workflow demo

Type Graphs

  1. Computers are good at type checking
  2. Can we embed our semantics into the type system?

An ABM of SIR disease spread

Refining the model

Convert categorical values into singleton types:

An more refined ABM

The type system "understands" the agents now

Convert categorical values into singleton types:

An more refined ABM


  1. SemanticModels.jl is a foundational technology for teaching machines to reason about scientific models

  2. Thinking in terms of transformations on models is easier than thinking of models themselves.

  3. A good type system can reason over modeling concepts