
Extracting Model Structure for Improved Semantic Modeling

metamodel reasoning.


  1. Extract a knowledge graph from Scientific Artifacts (code, papers, datasets)
  2. Represent scientific models in a high level way, (code as data)
  3. Build metamodels by combining models in hierarchical expressions using reasoning over KG (1).

Running Example: Influenza

Modeling the cost of treating a flu season taking into account weather effects.

  1. Seasonal temperature is a dynamical system
  2. Flu infectiousness is a function of temperature

Running Example: Modeling types

Modeling the cost of treating a flu season taking into account weather effects.

  1. Seasonal temperature is approximated by 2nd order linear ODE
  2. Flu cases is an SIR model 1st oder nonlinear ode
  3. Mitigation cost is Linear Regression on vaccines and cases

Scientific Domain

We focus on Susceptible Infected Recovered model of epidemiology.

  1. Precise, concise mathematical formulation
  2. Diverse class of models, ODE vs Agent based, determinstic vs stochastic
  3. FOSS implementations are available in all three Scientific programming languages

Graph of SIR Model

Graph of SIR model

Knowledge Extraction Architecture

Knowledge Extraction Architecture

Example Input Packages

  1. EMOD, Epimodels, NetLogo, and FRED are established packages, given their maturity and availability of published papers citing these packages.
  2. Pathogen and NDLib are newer packages, we expect easier to work with and more future adoption.
  3. Textbooks [@voitfirst2012] and lecture notes[1] will be a resource for these simple models that are well characterized.

Model Representation and Execution

Representation of models occurs at four levels:

Knowledge Graph

Hypothetical Knowledge Graph Sample

Hypothetical Knowledge Graph Sample

Knowledge Graph Schema

A preliminary design for types of knowledge in our knowledge graph. Knowledge Graph Schema

Flu Metamodel Pipeline

Here is the DAG for our running example. A pipeline for modeling flu vaccination requirements

See FluModel for worked out example.

Knowledge Graph Reasoning

  1. Define Model representations / KG schema
  2. Extract KG from artifacts
  3. Reason over KG to build metamodel
  4. CodeGen/Execution of Metamodel

How do we get from Weather to Cost?

How do we get from Weather to Cost?{ width=80% }

How do we get from Weather to Cost?{ width=80% }

Shortest path!

How do we get from Weather+Demographics to Cost?

How do we get from Weather to Cost?{ width=80% }

Minimum ST flow!

Knowledge Graph Reasoning Open Questions

Infectious Disease Metamodel

A DAG of model dependencies

Static vs Dynamic Graph


Error and Residual

Given $f(x)=0$ solve for $x$

Next Steps
